Being Sarah Palin

You Betcha! The former Alaska guvernator-turned-reality star couldn't resist picking up the baby of a serviceman in uniform who stood in line for an autographed copy of her new book Monday, What the F, America? Faith, Family and Flag. Her mama bear instincts were to lift the six-month old girl wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the words "Future President". Overheard was the daddy Sergeant exclaiming, "Oh, no, I'm gonna hear it from the wife now!" as he left the table.  Another group of tea party goers in red, white and blue garb had her attention now. "We're from Clear Lake, that's near NASA ..." which elicited a blank stare. Another woman who resembled Sarah herself was interviewed by a local tv newsman as she entered the bookstore. "I support Sarah because she is trying to do good things for the country." Young daughter Piper played with her mommy's iPhone in its pink case, stroking her hair, using the device as a mirror, bored of the publicity tour.